Lesson Plan


School                         : SMP 1 Kudus
Subject                       : Physic (Science)
Class/Semester           : VIII / 1
Main Material            : Addictive and psychotropic substance
Time                           : 1 x 15 minutes

Standard of Competence
4. To understand the ingredience of chemical in life

Basic Competence
4.4 . To describe the characteristic of addictive substance and psychotropic

·      To explain the description of addictive substance and psychotropic
·      To explain the disadvantage of addictive substance (cigarrete and liquor) and psychotropic for health, economic, and social.

Purpose of Learning
·      Student can mention the description of psychotropic
·      Student can mention the description of addictive substance
·      Student can giving the example addictive substance
·      Student can giving the example psychotropic
·      Student can be know the influences of addictive substance and psychotropic

Learning Metode
·         Lecture
·         Question-Answer

Procedure of Learning

Learning Process
a.        Opening
Motivation and aperseption
-        Have you ever see people of drunk, so they unconcius
Precondition knowledge
-        Be carefully don’t you ever try to drink the liquor and drugs
b.        Main Activity
-       Student can mention the description of psychotropic
-       Student can mention the description of addictive substance
-       Student can giving some example addictive substance
-       Student can giving some example psychotropic
-       Involve the student to find out the information about topic of material that will be learn with applying the principle of no natural threshold to become a teacher and study from other sources.
-       Giving some question orally for the student to know how far they understand about the explain material
-       Giving the opportunity for the student to ask and giving the opportunity for other student to answer it
-       Giving some positive feedback and strengthness of orally, write, and reward for their achievement
c.         Closing
Make summary or conclusion of the material

2 minutes

10 minutes

3 minutes

1.      Intregated science book
2.      Relevan books.
Media and Apparatus
Power Point Presentation
1.      Assesment technique:
-    written
-    presentation
2.      Instrumental:
-     PG
-     Essay
-     Objective
3.      Example ofInstrumental:
-     Essay
·       What is the meaning of :
a. Addictive substance?
b. Psychotropic substance?
·       Please explain about the advantage of smoke and liquor for our healthy !

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